As I had mentioned on the previous page we keep a Kosher house. The word “kosher” has become colloquially associated with the connotation of “proper” or “acceptable” in English. However, kosher laws derive from the Bible and are expounded upon in the Talmud and other Jewish tradition codes. We define food as meat, dairy or pareve. Foods that are meat are either chicken, beef or lamb, dairy is any food that has dairy in it and pareve are foods which have neither meat or dairy such as fruits, vegetables and other items.
This page is dedicated to dairy gluten free meals
I hope you enjoy the recipes as much as my family does.
This recipe was adapted from several that I found.
2- 3 medium / large eggplants
200 grams .44 pounds of mozzarella cheese
2.5 cups of tomato sauce
about a 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese
1 heaping tablespoon of Italian seasoning
2 tablespoons of sugar
pinch of salt
olive oil
This recipe was adapted from several that I found.
1000 grams or 2.2 pounds of cottage cheese
200 grams .44 pounds of mozzarella cheese
2.5 cups of tomato sauce
1 egg
about 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese
1 bag of gluten free rice pasta I like Tinkyada
1 heaping tablespoon of Italian seasoning
2 tablespoons of sugar
spinach optional
If you are short on one type of cheese use a little bit more of the other.
This recipe was adapted from several that I found.
When I was cooking for friends whose husbands had been called up for reserve duty I was asked if the recipe could be made without tomato sauce for the picky children. I tried it worked and kids loved it.
1000 grams or 2.2 pounds of cottage cheese
200 grams .44 pounds of mozzarella cheese
1 egg
about 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese
1 bag of gluten free rice pasta
If you are short on one type of cheese use a little bit more of the other.
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